12 sep. 2010


Club Freebird was not really that good. Stupid foreigners, uninteresting music that almost made me fall asleep (except for maybe korean rockabilly band THE ROCK TIGERS-"the pioneers of korean rockabilly". They seemed to be a very popular band. Im not into rockabilly tough, but i did move some hips)I woke up once during a pretty good Jimi Hendrix cover too. But Bob was there, and Jim was there and Jimi to. So if you are not looking for something extra extra im sure you can have a good time at club freebird.

I did tough stumple upon, via korean gig guide, something extraordinary!

Pyongyang Hardcore Resistance - Corea [Resistance 2] with MV

H.J.Freaks | MySpace Music Videos

A techno hardcore band from North Korea. They have a myspace page that someonelse made for them in order to spread their music. The tapes were smuggled out from North Korea by north korean refugees in China. On their myspace page you can read:
"This is a FUCK YOU from North-Korean underground to corrupted leaders Kim Jong Il and Lee Myung Bak! This is also a FUCK YOU to both South-Korean and North-Korean popular music that try to keep the masses dumb and obedient! This is the bassdrum of truth exported to you straight from Pyongyang! Peace in people, violence in music!"
That is some serious stuffs! I am happy to be able to spread their music. And also, thats the first asian band that actually did something for me.


2 kommentarer:

  1. Härligt att höra att det finns inhemska regimkritiker även i nordkorea. Man har inte hört så mycket om det. Förresten finns det många flyktingar i seoul från nordkorea?

  2. nej visst har man inte det. det verkar inte som att sydkoreaner känner till det heller. det är en ganska känslig fråga. hela det här landet verkar mycket präglat av att alla män måste göra militärtjänst i två år. beroende på situationen med Nordkorea.

    angående flyktingar vet jag faktiskt inte. någon sa något om en särskild skola som de måste gå i när de först kommer hit, för att anpassa sig till livet utanför Nordkorea. Men jag vet tyvärr inte riktigt.
